Whatever is in Santa's bag for you this year, I h

ope that it is something that you will always hold dear to your heart. It's always easy to give and receive this time of year. The trick is to keep things in focus, and not get lost in the commercial side of the season. For me, this time of year is when I like to reflect on all that has been done for me. Thank you to everyone that has helped me to reflect on all the areas in the world that are beautiful. All the places on this earth that have been "given" to us to enjoy and appreciate.

The ornament hanging on our tree that best symbolizes the meaning for this season is our nativity ornament. It contains sand from Bethlehem along with a nativity scene that includes the Child in a manger. I have also included pictures of dirt from both Jerusalem as well as Nazareth.
All of these hold special places in my heart.

One last photo I have included. It is my favorite holiday item that is put up each year at my house. Season's Greetings to all of my family and friends, wherever in your journey you are.

Christmas is the time when even he who gives, remembers Him who gave.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Hope yours is s good as you wish it to be!
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